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Hi, I'm Maya Schlomka
Doula in hospitals & birth instructor | Naturopathic therapist
Reflexologist | Ashtanga & prenatal yoga teacher 
I have a clinic for woman in my house in Jaffa especially for you.

I combine as needed during the treatments -
Bach flowers 🌺
Medicinal plants🌱
A healthy and wholesome diet 🥑

I believe in balance.
I believe that you don't have to live life suffering from pain -
pelvic pain, menstrual pain, migraines, mental pain from repeated attempts to get pregnant or extreme mood swings that can all be supported with the help of reflexology and more.
I believe that you can and are able to go through pregnancy and childbirth in the best way for you.
I have over 5 years of experience in women's treatments.



A foot  treatment method that stimulates the internal systems that need strengthening. This method is based on the idea that a specific organ in the human body reflects (REFELX) the whole body and each point represents a different organ/system in the body (a microcosm of the body).
Through observation, pressure, palpation and massage, it is possible to diagnose and treat deficiencies and imbalances in the various organs and systems of the body.
The treatment results in an energetic and physical response that encourages the body's natural healing processes. 

*I specialize in reflexology for women -  Hormonal balance (pcos, endometriosis), fertility, pregnancy and birth.

Medicinal Herbs

The advantage of using medicinal plants is that they actually stimulate the body to produce substances that, for one reason or another, the body is no longer able to produce. Medicinal plants are active substances that help balance disease symptoms both in the body and in the mind, and in fact, they are the best and pure natural treatment for the body.
My formulas are individually adjusted for each patient, after a thorough diagnosis, and they consist of high-quality organic plants, without preservatives, using herbal capsules, without human contact. The result is an organic capsule of medicinal plants, containing 100% active substance.

Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers are a healing method based on thirty-eight extracts which were discovered and developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a well-known physician, who served as a physician and bacteriologist in London for about twenty years. Dr. Eduard Bach devoted most of his time to the development of flower essences and the healing method named after him. He was one of the first to talk about the connection between emotion and a person's state of health - psychosomatic phenomena. In other words, the premise is that every disease - manifested physically in the body, has a mental factor. Treatment and balance in the mental layer will prevent diseases and/or inhibiting phenomena. Bach essences have the power to bring a state of perfect health and maintain this state. Emotions reflect the state of our health. The extracts have an effect on the emotions, and the emotions have an effect on the physical health of the body. The extracts are intended for all people who long to overcome the obstacles that hinder their progress in life.

The benefits of using Bach flowers All the extracts, which are used in this treatment method, were brewed from the flowers of wild plants, bushes or trees. None of them cause harm and do not lead to addiction. Bach extracts work in the full sense of the word and they do not cause reactions or unpleasant side effects at all. They are a tested and safe prescription for each and every person, at any age: children, babies and even adults. Bach remedies can be taken with any other type of drug or medicine with complete confidence. There is not even the slightest danger of complication or damage and there is no conflict between these drugs and others.

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